Happy guests drive the bottom line

More than 80% of travelers read reviews before booking. Driving 5 Star reviews today drives future bookings for years to come. Reva helps you drive 5 Star reviews today and continually improve your score across channels forever.

Reva is reviews aggregator that captures what your guests are thinking while traveling Every review is full of insights
Give Reva A Try

How It Works

Acquire. Reply. Report. Share. Repeat.

Reva reviews summary table with filters


Reva UI with TripAdvisor logo within a reviews average score

2,741 reviews

Centralize Reviews across all channels internal and external.

Reviews automatically come into Reva daily. No need to manually collect or copy/paste. Don’t let a review slip through the cracks. Sort / filter / search to your hearts content.

Report on any metric.

Reva starts with an overview dashboard where you can click on each metric to drill in further. Reva comes with a range of reports. Don’t see a report you’d like? We’ll build it!

Reva reports and charts of reviews per day and per source


Reva UI with Vrbo logo within a reviews average score

10,921 reviews

Reva average reviews score per cohort report


Reva UI with Expedia logo within a reviews average score

494 reviews

Action on things to improve.

Source small issues before they become big ones. Reva helps you identify key service issues. Easily share the great reviews to boost team morale.

Daily and weekly update emails sent automatically so you never lose track of a review and the overall picture.

Creating a first class guest experience starts with deeply knowing your guests.

Having thousands of reviews spread out across many booking channels is challenging at best. After years of trying to manage tens of thousands of reviews, we built Reva to help others aggregate, report and share their reviews.

Happy guest while traveling somewhere with a beach

Extremely User Friendly

Truly Amazing

Full API.

Your reviews are your data. Leverage Reva's REST API with straightforward documentation and simple JSON responses. Our customers tie the data into business intelligence tools as well as display the reviews on their own websites.

Reva REST API example JSON


Reva UI with Vrbo logo within a reviews average score

653 reviews

Reva internal reviews collection feature example image


Reva UI with Expedia logo within a reviews average score

914 reviews

Gather feedback from your guests, automatically.

Reva has a white labeled review collection tool that can ping guests upon check in, check out, or any other time. Gather feedback before reviews go out to the OTAs. Fix small problems before they ever become big ones.